Information & Pictures of the 442.550 Repeater with 145.570 remote base.

The 145.570 remote base is the west end of the N7LXC simplex link to the Cle Elum area.

Please use 442.550 + with a PL tone of 103.5

Linked to 145.570 N7LXC Simplex Link PL 91.5

The 442.550 frequency is Coordinated to the Puget Sound RTTY Repeater Group.

"Club call WA7HJR"... Thus the WA7HJR/R call on the repeater..

Thanks to the WA7HJR group for the partnership with this repeater.

Thanks to the Adams Family

They provide the power & let us set the hut on their property at Sky Meadows. (East End of the system)

Thank you Bothell Health Care !

On 2/9/2011 N7NEW was given permission to install the repeater & link radio at Bothell Health Care.

We installed a garden shed on the north wall of their maintenance shed for the radio equipment and put the 

antenna on a mast along side of said shed on 4/17/2011.

Thanks to Frank Corwin KC7EBV for the loan of two sections of tower !

Later this summer we will move the Antenna  to the top of a Fir tree nearby. For present the ant will not be above the local trees.

This site location information... Latitude: 47 47’ 32” N - Longitude: 122 14’ 23” W - Ground Elevation: 492'

Map showing the location of the 442.550 Repeater & 145.570 link Radio located at the Bothell Health Care Facility.

As of January 29, 2011

The 145.570 simplex link radio pl=91.5 is now back on the air and is connected to the 442.550 + repeater  pl=103.5 for 

use in the North end  area. "WA7HJR ID"

"WA7HJR/R" ID for the repeater comes from the controller in CW

N7LXC/L ID for the link comes from the controller in CW

Courtesy tones are...

M = (signal came from) Repeater

W = (signal came from) 145.570 Link radio

These pictures are of the Repeater & Link system at Bothell Health Care

The repeater finals are set at 40 watts.

It is putting 40 watts to the Ant after the duplexer.

We have a TX-RX Systems INC duplexer in place now instead of the Sinclair. Thanks to W7HNH & WA7HTJ for tuning.

We have taken out the 2 meter RF Concepts Amp and are running the Mitrek barefoot at 40 watts.

We have replaced the two Astron 30 Amp power supply's with a 50 Amp Astron.

Again, it is on the air for use at this time.


Hut at site              Signs close               Hut & Cabinet        Cabinet Open

1 Hut-a.jpg (119014 bytes)    2 Hut Info signs-a.jpg (118813 bytes)    3 Hut doors open-a.jpg (82128 bytes)    4 Hut cabinet open-a.jpg (133907 bytes)


With Bulb heater off    Whole cabinet    With Bulb heater on    Battery Back-up

7 Hut cabinet open bulb heater off-a.jpg (228464 bytes)    5 Hut cabinet open close-a.jpg (254947 bytes)    6 Hut cabinet open bulb heater on-a.jpg (147738 bytes)    8 Emerg Power Bat-a.jpg (185087 bytes)


      Lower Cabinet          Equipment           Other side of cabinet

9 50 amp power supply-a.jpg (222046 bytes)    10 Cabinet marked-a.jpg (317288 bytes)    442-550 Cabinet1 8-30-10-a.jpg (218831 bytes)

Tower Location on site

    442-550 Tower base-1a.jpg (144228 bytes)    442-550 Tower base-2a.jpg (141054 bytes)    


Repeater site tower being worked on in N7NEW shop

tower in shop-a.jpg (59936 bytes)


Our Site Pictures (Pictures of all our sites)


