Pictures from the Lester / Stampede area   *Page 3*


                Clearing Leed just                                     Clearing Leed just                                       Ed Royer & sleds                                        Ed Royer & sled                                      Elk near Maywood

                 below Stampede 1992                               below Stampede 1992                                 Winter of 1988                                          Winter of 1988                                       winter 1988/1989

Clearing leed 1992-1.jpg (350977 bytes)                        Clearing leed 1992-2.jpg (311399 bytes)                        Ed Royer 1 Spring 1988.jpg (217762 bytes)                        Ed Royer 2 Spring 1988.jpg (268653 bytes)                     Elk near Maywood 1988-1989.jpg (256743 bytes)

                                  Jack Leonard clearing                   Roger Hamilton in                     Jack Leonard sawing                   Jack Leonard with his                Jack Leonard on pole

                                             leed 1992                                    cable car 1992                            trees 1992                                   favorite tool 1992                      Winter 1992

Jack Leonard below Stampede 1992.jpg (412806 bytes)            Hamilton above Lester 1992.jpg (366220 bytes)            Jack Leonard below Stampede Pass.jpg (405901 bytes)            Jack Leonard favorite tool 1992.jpg (306887 bytes)            Jack Leonard Lester 1992.jpg (240816 bytes)

                                             John Rash at Lester                    John Rash below Lester               Jack Leonard & Truck                Mike Reid on hoe                       Mike Reid clearing

                                             Hut winter 1988/1989                  winter 1988/1989                     below Stampede 1992                  below Stampede 1992                leed 1992

John Rash 1988-1989.jpg (202820 bytes)            John Rash just below Lester 1988-1989.jpg (258211 bytes)            Leonard & Truck 19992 .jpg (315579 bytes)            Mike above Lester 1992.jpg (377365 bytes)            Mike Clearing Leed-1 1992.jpg (360905 bytes)

                                             Mike Reid clearing                      Mike Reid clearing                       Mike Reid clearing                    Mike Reid below Lester               Mike Reid above Lester

                                             leed 1992                                    leed 1992                                   leed 1992                                   cable trouble 1992                       winter of 1988/1989

Mike Clearing Leed-2 1992.jpg (387995 bytes)            Mike Clearing Leed-3 1992.jpg (372155 bytes)            Mike Clearing Leed-4 1992.jpg (382539 bytes)            Mike just below Lester 1988-1989.jpg (266713 bytes)            Mike Reid above Lester 1988-1989.jpg (163127 bytes)

                                             Mike Reid on Hoe                       Mike Reid on Hoe                      Pete Peterson setting                 Pete Peterson setting                  Mike Reid deloading

                                             Maywood 1990                           Maywood 1990                          pole Maywood 1990                   pole Maywood 1990                   pairs below Lester 1992

Mike Reid Maywood-2 1990.jpg (373215 bytes)            Mike Reid Maywood-3 1990.jpg (356450 bytes)            Pete Peterson Maywood-1 1990.jpg (301295 bytes)            Pete Peterson Maywood-2 1990.jpg (336626 bytes)            Mike Reid Maywood 1992.jpg (437897 bytes)

                                             Pete Peterson section                 Pete Peterson deloading             Headed up tracks by                    Roger Hamilton drilling              Rash, Veleze & Hamilton

                                            throw Maywood 1992                 pairs Maywood 1990                   Dam 1992                                 pole above Lester 1992               lunch time Stampede 1989

Pete Peterson Maywood 1990.jpg (333272 bytes)            Pete Peterson below Maywood 1990.jpg (373288 bytes)            Riding tracks 1992.jpg (370461 bytes)            Roger Hamilton above Lester 1992.jpg (287912 bytes)            Rash Veleze Hamilton cabin 1989.jpg (259817 bytes)

                                            Steve Scofield & Puget                Reid & Veleze pole                      Veleze drilling pole                    Veleze in bucket                          Veleze in bucket

                                            power guy. Stampede 1991         transfer 1992                               above Lester 1992                    above Lester 1992                       above Lester 1992

Scofield Fall of 1991.jpg (247196 bytes)            Veleze & Reid Lester 1992.jpg (398546 bytes)            Veleze above Lester-1 1992.jpg (213190 bytes)            Veleze above Lester-2 1992.jpg (353102 bytes)            Veleze above Lester-3 1992.jpg (354137 bytes)

                                             Veleze drilling pole                     Veleze in bucket at                      Veleze & Hamilton at                 Vince Smith & gal from             Vince Smith & gal from

                                             above Lester 1992                     summit 1992                               cabin 1991                                  Olympia 1990                            Olympia 1990

Veleze above Lester summer 1992.jpg (155753 bytes)            Veleze in bucket 1991.jpg (358254 bytes)            Veleze-Hamilton Hoe-Cabin 1991.jpg (319294 bytes)            Vince Smith-2 1990.jpg (218768 bytes)            Vince Smith Lester-1 1990.jpg (286938 bytes)

                                             Vince Smith stuck at                    Vince Smith stuck at                  Vince Smith at summit                Vince Smith at Weather            Vince Smith helping

                                             Maywood 1991                           Maywood 1991                          terminal 1990                             Station 1990                             Jack Leonard 1995

Vince Smith 1991-1.jpg (364822 bytes)            Vince Smith 1991-2.jpg (350365 bytes)            Vince Smith Stampede Pass 1990.jpg (342236 bytes)            Vince Smith Weather Station 1990.jpg (215641 bytes)            Vince Smith-Jack Leonard 1995.jpg (279829 bytes)

                                                                                                                         Clearing leed below                     Clearing leed below

                                                                                                                         Stampede 1992                           Stampede 1992

Working above Lester-1 1992.jpg (390307 bytes)            Working above Lester-2 1992.jpg (426745 bytes)


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