2016 Snowmobile Pictures

1/1/2016 (just realized the date on my camera is off)

First ride of the season for Mike we went to Greenwater up the 70 road to the upper snow park.

Trucks with Campers & Trailers were chaining up to head out. (Good call by our estimation)

Unloaded and headed up to the "Mike Ulrich Cabin" at Government Meadows.

Snow was ok... about 3' of rain settled and maybe 4" of wet fluff on top.

After the cabin we cruised on down the east side to the main road and headed south towards the Roost.

Stopped where Cole got his Elk this year and Austin climbed the bank to point out where the bullet grazed the tree.

Played around came back up the bottom to what we call Bunch Grass. Took a breather and Kirk took this picture.

Here are two Videos I took while on the ride. (I do not have a Go Pro yet)

Government Meadows 360 degree Video

Austin Jumping off bank "on foot"


